Career Readiness Resources for District Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting
Career Readiness Wisconsin
Resources for Identified ACP Goals
Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a critical component of career readiness. All CESA 10 School Districts received a District Self-Assessment and Action Plan Guide in the fall of 2021 to assist them in this process.
Contact Gwen Janke ( for additional information

Video Tour of This Career Readiness Resources Page
Step #1: Create a District Career Readiness Team
Step #2: Evaluate and Reflect Your District’s ACP Infrastructure
Step #3: Map out your ACP Components and Identify Areas for Improvement
Step #4: Identify a Goal(s) to Improve your ACP Career Readiness
Career Readiness Goals & Resources
Comprehensive List of Goals & Resources (Goals 1-22) click for the complete goals document
Goals & Resources: A collaborative effort between the Wisconsin DPI and twelve CESAs in Wisconsin created a list of twenty-two suggested Career Readiness goals that correspond to the infrastructure rubric and ACP components. Your district team can use this list to identify ACP goal(s) that you would like to advance in your district.
Quick Reference for Goals 1-22 & Resources click to jump to the one-page document or see the complete linked list below
Click any goal description to jump to resources
Goal #1: Create a District Career Readiness Team
Goal #2: Investigate our District's Career Readiness Data and Investigate the Root Cause of Identified Gaps
Goal #3: Create an ACP Graduate Profile
Goal #4: Improve the ACP/Career Readiness Culture and/or Leadership in our District
Goal #5: Improve our District's ACP/Career Readiness Policies and Planning
Goal #6: Improve ACP/Career Readiness Professional Development for All Staff in our District
Goal #7: Improve Family Engagement in our District's ACP/Career Readiness Process
Goal #8: Improve the Individualized ACP/Career Readiness Support our District Provides to our Students
Goal #12: Develop or Enhance Job Shadowing Opportunities for Students
Goal #13: Develop or Enhance Opportunities for Students to Learn How to Write Resumes and Cover Letters
Goal #14: Develop or Enhance Mock Interview Opportunities for Students
Goal #15: Develop or Enhance ACP Conferences and/or One-On-One Advising
Goal #16: Develop or Enhance ACP Final Project Presentation Opportunities for Students
Goal #17: Develop or Improve our District's ACP Scope and Sequence
Goal #18: Integrate ACP/Career Readiness into All Classrooms
Goal #19: Integrate ACP/Career Readiness into Grades K-5
Goal #20: Integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into ACP
Goal #21: Enhance or Expand Financial Literacy in Academic & Career Planning