CESA 10 offers College & Career Readiness Services to our 29 partner districts on an annual basis. Districts participating in this service have access to our talented team of consultants, who can assist your staff and students in a wide-range of career-based learning experiences. Check them out below. 

Join our virtual career speaker video series for the 23/24 school year. Speakers in each of the 16 national career clusters.

Business & Industry Tours

Pre-planned tours of regional businesses with a focus on engaging, hands-on experiences in top career fields.  

Career Pathway Business Panels

CESA 10’s Career Pathway Business Panels are organized to allow students to hear from employers and employees alike within the context of a moderated discussion centered on skills, qualifications, education and experience.

Job Shadows

Our student-facing Job Shadow program helps 10th-12th grade students and district staff connect students to full or half-day experiences in a pathway of their choice. 

Mock Interviews

Assistance recruiting employers for Mock Interview events at your school. We can help with planning, business and community contacts and programming on the day of the event. 

Youth Apprenticeship

Let us help leverage the power of our amazing business and industry connections to expand student opportunities for Youth Apprenticeship positions. 

Chippewa Valley Youth Apprenticeship Website

Teacher Externship

Coming in 2023-24, our Teacher Externships provide short, paid, on-the-job experience for CESA 10 Career and Technical Education teachers. Professional development at its best! 

*All districts that receive College & Career Readiness from CESA 10 have access to our library of support, documents and resources. Not sure if your district contracts for these services or help retrieving your password? Please contact Ginny Shoemaker.  

Don’t see a service that quite fits your needs? Have a great idea but need a little extra help to lift it off the ground? Do not hesitate to reach out to the CESA 10 College & Career Readiness Team. We are here to help!

Dionne Anderson

Business & Industry

Partnerships Consultant


Email Dionne